- /.well-known/pki-validation/starfield.html
- Abdominal pain due to liver compression in slipping rib syndrome in an EDS patient
- Treatment of vascular compression syndromes
- Connective tissue disorders predispose to multiple compressions
- Bookly PM
- Booking a functional color Doppler examination
- Surgical treatment of abdominal compression syndromes: The significance of hypermobility-related disorders
- Surgical treatment of abdominal compression syndromes: The significance of hypermobility‐related disorders
- Cookie Policy
- The tronc réno-rachidièn
- Bending of a straight vein compels its narrowing
- The curtain effect of venous stents
- A breakthrough in functional sonographic diagnostic – 4D-colour Doppler sonographic flow volume measurements
- A new sonographic sign of severe orthostatic venous pooling
- A new variant of the left renal vein compression – compression by the left renal artery
- A rare variant of Wilkie syndrome
- Embolisation : a misguided approach in venous compression syndromes
- Detection of a new compression syndrome : Bilateral compression of the internal iliac vein between the psoas muscle and the internal iliac artery in a patient with chronic penile pain
- Inauguration of measurements of the tissue pulsatility index in renal transplants
- From nutcracker phenomenon to midline congestion syndrome and its treatment with aspirin
- First sonographic tissue perfusion measurement in renal transplants
- Erste sonografische Tumorperfusionmessung und Korrelation zur Tumoroxygenierung
- First sonographic bowel wall perfusion measurement in Crohn disease
- First sonographic renal tissue perfuison measurement
- First sonographic measurement of renal perfusion loss in diabetes mellitus
- Research
- Functional criteria for evaluation and treatment of POTS, neurological and pelvic symptoms in venous compression syndromes
- Functional colour Doppler ultrasound : how I do it
- Anatomical explanation of all vascular compression syndromes
- Vessel stretching in nephroptosis – an important driver of complaints
- Genital and sexual symptoms of vascular compression syndromes – patient with ulcer of labia minora
- Genital pain on sitting – sometimes pudendal neuralgia – here long undetected subacute Bartholinitis along with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and and multiple compression syndromes – diagnosis by PixelFlux
- Do you have questions?
- Posture dependent left flank / thoracic / lumbar pain – a new compression syndrome I recently detected
- Posture dependent unbearable breathlessness and fullness in the right upper abdomen due to a variable diaphragmatic compression of the hepatic veins and the vena cava inferior
- Hinweise zu medizinischen Erläuterungen
- Impressum
- Intern
- Beyond psychosomatics – your symptoms explained
- Lordosis /hollow back : cause of numerous abdominal compression syndromes.
- Lordosis development
- Massive painless hematuria – never in the morning but always in the evening
- My publications for download
- Menstrual pain – not an irrevocable fate but a reversible consequence of vascular compression syndromes
- Migraines may develop in the wake of vascular compression syndromes
- Migraine and Multiple Sclerosis
- Recently added
- Neurological consequences of the midline congestion syndrome
- Nutcracker and May-Thurner syndrome: Decompression by extra venous tube grafting and significance of hypermobility related disorders
- Papiermaske aus Küchenrolle
- What patients say – 2016-2021
- Patients traveling from abroad
- Ultrasound focused entirely on all of your symptoms
- PixelFlux in peripheral neuropathies: Offprints for private, non-commercial use only (PW 12345)
- PixelFlux measurements of renal tissue perfusion
- Post-prandial pain in the right upper abdomen due to a newly detected compression syndrome of the right renal vein
- Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) – the hemodynamic consequence of vascular compression syndromes and loose connective tissue
- POTS – different from what you might think: an example
- Project “International scholarship for quantitative functional color Doppler ultrasound training”
- Publications
- Pudendal neuralgia in vascular compression syndromes
- Enigma resolved: vomiting during hip stretching
- Reinigungskraft gesucht
- A stent may be a mistake
- Risks of stents in venous compression syndromes
- Step-by-step explanation of the appointment booking
- Severe ataxia in a young woman with severe spinal congestion – complete resolution after decompression of the left renal vein
- Service
- You are very welcome here – impressions from my clinic
- Search
- Swollen bluish feet nausea unbearable epigastric and breast pain plus breathlessness
- Cancellation of your appointment by us
- Terminabsage durch unsere Praxis
- Confirmation of your appointment
- Your cancellation
- Appointments for pediatric consultations
- The Celiac ganglion (artery) compression syndrome
- Truncuskompression bei Kindern
- Physical exercises to reduce lumbar lordosis
- Unbearable orthostatic pain in the autotransplanted left kidney
- Unbearable abdominal pain only while standing – easily diagnosed with PixelFlux
- Restless legs-a little known symptom of abdominal vascular compression syndromes
- Unsere Antibiotikaverordnung
- Our contributions to the EDS-Echo Summit 2020
- Under false flag – the so-called nutcracker syndrome
- Under false flag-the so-called nutcracker syndrome (original paper)
- Papers authored by Th. Scholbach
- Muscle cramps caused by a posture dependent pubic compression of the femoral artery
- Why the diagnosis of a psychosomatic illness is often a misdiagnosis
- One stent – reducing 1 compression – creating 3 new compressions
- Scientific cooperation
- The problem of angle measurement in Wilkie syndrome
- Important information in English
- “Sie haben keine Schmerzen im Bauch, Sie haben ein Problem im Kopf!” – Our talk at the Annual Congress of German Surgeons in Leipzig , April 25 2024
- Clinic / online appointments
- Compression of the left renal vein by the duodenum
- Compression of the median cubital vein depending on the position of the elbow joint
- Compression of the vena cava inferior
- Description of your symptoms
- Devastating Abdominal Pain due to a New Variant of Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome – “Double MALS”.
- Diaphragmatic compression of the hepatic veins
- Diaphragmatic compression of the liver veins with hepatic and intestinal congestion
- Discovery of a new mechanism for pulsatile tinnitus
- Dynamic Doppler Ultrasound Assessment of Tissue Perfusion Is a Better Tool than a Single Vessel Doppler Examination in Differentiating Malignant and Inflammatory Pancreatic Lesions
- EFSUMB Award 2015 “Umbilical vein vasomotion – detection and measurements by means 3D – PixelFlux measurements in fetuses of the 17th to 20th gestional week”
- Ehlers Danlos-syndrome the flashing redlight of vascular compressions
- Enlarged stomach
- Explanation of gender-specific differences in the clinical symptoms of abdominal vascular compression syndromes: varicocele and penile/testicular pain – their main manifestation in men.
- Functional dynamic diagnostic of vascular compression syndromes – Talk at the RACS 92nd Annual Scientific Congress : Christchurch New Zealand
- Gradually increasing, unbearable pain in the left flank only when standing or sitting – first description of a new compression syndrome
- Hemodynamic effect on cerebral perfusion in patients with multiple localised vascular compression.
- If Wilkie syndrome is suspected – be prudent
- Inability to eat enough
- Interesting medical papers from others
- Joint clinical effect of coexisting bilateral jugular vein compression and tronc réno-rachidièn.
- Kaleidoscope of instructive cases
- List of interesting medical papers from others
- May I help you with the award-winning PixelFlux ultrasound examination?
- New stuff to read and discuss
- No more bladder self-catheterization after decompression of left renal and left iliac vein
- Our surgical treatment of vascular compressions
- Pain below the sternum
- Pain on the left side of the body
- Payment for telemedical counseling
- Physical therapy alone treated May-Thurner syndrome successfully- a patient’s perspective
- Researchers from the Mayo Clinic confirm my concept of the Midline Congestion Syndrome
- Search
- Stabbing pain below the right rib cage during and persistent after air travel
- Successful Treatment of Left Sided Varicocoele by Spinal Postural Adjustment – The Value of PixelFlux Guided Physical Training
- Talk : PixelFlux step by step; University of Halle 2017 10 08
- Talk: PixelFlux Measurements for evaluation of left renal vein compression aka Nutcracker-syndrome EUROSON September 2018
- Talk: Preoperative Lymph Node Dignity Determination by PixelFlux; 2017,Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Talk: The New Method of Dynamic Tissue Perfusion Measurement; World Ultrasound Congress (WFUMB) in São Paulo, Brazil 2013
- Talks: Dynamic tissue perfusion measurement with the PixelFlux technique revealed renal microvessel loss in children with diabetes type 1; Talk at the World Ultrasound Congress (WFUMB) in São Paulo, Brazil 2013
- test deu
- test en
- The influence of the spine on compression of the inferior vena cava
- Unbearable breast pain while sitting
- Upload of your imaging and other relevant files
- Urethral venous congestion – an important mechanism of urinary retention in patients with vascular compression syndromes
- Varicocoele is predominantly caused by left renal vein compression
- Vascular compression syndromes I recently detected
- Vomiting, belching, bilious vomiting
- Weakness of gastric and intestinal peristalsis
- What patients say – 2021 onwards
- Why I prefer not to publish in journals but in the Internet
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