My publications for download

Our contribution to the  American Venous Forum in Tampa, USA 3.-6. March 2024

Hemodynamic Consequences of pre-and retroaortic left renal vein Compression - Venous Forum Tampa USA March 3-6 2024


My talks at the Annual German Angiological Conference in Leipzig 21.- 23.10.2023

52. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Angiologie – Gesellschaft für Gefäßmedizin e. V.

here search for “Scholbach”

Venous stenting of abdominal compression syndromes (ACS)- basically not a good idea  –  slightly extended talk at the DGA Conference 2023 in Leipzig

The lordogenetic midline syndrome – pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment – talk at the DGA Conference 2023 in Leipzig


Surgical treatment of abdominal compression syndromes The significance of hypermobility‐related disorders


From the nutcracker-phenomenon of the left renal vein to the midline congestion syndrome as a cause of migraine, headache, back and abdo


Unter falscher Flagge – das sogenannte Nussknackersyndrom Gefässchirurgie 2022019 Scholbach_T_Celiac_artery_reply_to_Dubbins_JUM_2006




Surgical treatment of abdominal compression syndromes The significance of hypermobility‐related disorders


Can we measure renal perfusion Scholbach Scholbach


A new method of color Doppler perfusion measurement via dynamic sonographic signal quantification in renal parenchyma - Scholbach, Dimos


Scholbach-2004-Dynamic color Dopple


Changes of renal flow volume in the hemolytic-uremic syndrome - Color Doppler sonographic investigations - Scholbach - 2001


Correlation of histopathologic and dynamic tissue perfusion measurement findings in transplanted kidneys - Scholbach et al. - 2013


Dynamic Sonographic Tissue Perfusion Measurement Scholbach Scholbach


Dynamic Tissue Perfusion Measurement in the Intestinal Wall - Correlation With Ulcerative Colitis - Scholbach, Hormann, Scholbach - 2010


Dynamic Tissue Perfusion Measurement A New Tool for Characterizing Renal Perfusion in Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients - Rosenbaum et al. -


Chapter Tissue perfusion in Cancer imaging ed Hayat Elsevier 2008 final manuscript


Faingold Scholbach Perfusion measurment chapter book revised


Gagel Scholbach et al BMC Cancer 2007 pO polarography, contrast enhanced color duplex sonography


Intestinal Dynamic Color Doppler Sonographic Tissue Perfusion Measurement - Scholbach, Hofmann, Scholbach - 2011


Pixelwise quantification of placental perfusion visualized by 3D power doppler sonography - Scholbach, Konje, Huppertz - 2012(2)


Placenta PixelFlux Jorgensen Scholbach


Prognostic Value of Dynamic Tissue Perfusion Measurements in Transplanted Kidneys - Scholbach et al. - 2014


Scholbach Dynamic tissue perfusion measurement of the intestinal wall – correlation with ulcerative colitis. J Med Ultrasound 2010


Scholbach et al Transplantation Dynamic perfusion measurement a novel tool Scholbach et al JUOG Vasomotion umbilical vein


Scholbach et al TRANSPLANTATION Tissue Pulsatility Index


Scholbach et. al Pixelflux in Crohn disease J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutrition 2004


Scholbach The Celiac ganglion (artery) compression syndrome (CGCS) NGF in portrait format


Three-dimensional volumetric spatially angle-corrected pixelwise fetal flow volume measurement - Scholbach, Stolle, Scholbach - 2011


Umbilical vein vasomotion IJUOG


Evaluation of the steroid effect on the placenta circulation Jorgensen Scholbach


3D Volume Flow Measurement With the Pixelflux-Technique Demonstrate Reduced Perfusion in IUGR Fetuses - Thomas, Jörg, Jakob - 2013


Three-dimensional (3D) pixelwise fetal volume flow


Significant differences of fetal blood supply in fetuses PXFX


PixelFlux uterus perfusion Trondheim


Blood flow calculated in the uterine arteries based on PXFX

Scholbach Dreidimensionale Flussvolumenmessungen aus zweidimensionalen Farbdopplervideos – Grundlagen und Validierung mit einem Flussphantom Erfolgreiche Therapie einer pelvinen Kongestion bei Nußknackerphänomen durch Stenteinlage in die linke Nierenvene bei einem 12-jährigen Mädchen Scholbach Die pixelweise, raumwinkelkorrigierte Perfusionsmessung (PixelFlux-Methode) überwindet grundlegende Fehler traditioneller Verfahren der sonografischen Perfusionsbeurteilung Die dynamische farbdopplersonografische Perfusionsmessung korreliert mit histologischen Befunden von Nierentransplantaten 6 Jahres-Follow up-Studie Scholbach Th THE NUTCRACKER-PHENOMENON OF THE LEFT RENAL VEIN (LEFT RENAL VEIN ENTRAPMENT SYNDROME) – A CLINICALLY RELEVANT VASCULAR VARIANT EASILY DIAGNOSED WITH COLOR DOPPLER SONOGRAPHY BSA related renal volume Scholbach Weitzel


Roberts-Syndrom mit Aneurysma des interatrialen Septums, Kuhmilchproteinintoleranz und fehlendem Schluckreflex - Scholbach, Reichenbach


2008 - Borna Disease Virus infection in young children - Scholbach, Bode - Apmis


PXFX Svabik


Dynamic tissue perfusion measurement in the reproductive organs of the female and male dogs - Dzięcioł et al. - 2014

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