Treatment of vascular compression syndromes
Vascular compression syndromes are caused by a strong lumbar lordosis.
The first steps to reduce symptoms after a thorough diagnosis are thus aimed at reducing the lordosis.
This can be achieved by certain body postures which aim to reduce the anterior tilt of the pelvis. Tilting of the pelvis develops around the age of 12 months when children start walking. Younger children do not tilt the pelvis anteriorly since they lay on their back or belly with flexed hips or they crawl or creep. In these body postures the hips remain flexed.
Only with the beginning of an upright posture and bipedal walk they begin to overstretch their hips in order to bring the upper thighs and the knees in one line with the back. This can only be achieved by turning the entire pelvis anteriorly, thus resulting in the so called anterior tilt of the pelvis. Stretching of the hip joints without tilting of the pelvis is impossible since tight ligaments within the capsule of the hip joints prevent a movement of the femoral bones more then 45° cranially or caudally with respect to the pendulum line of the hip joint. This pendulum line is 90° to the direction of the spine. Thus human beings are the only animals with a lordosis. For details see my explanation under the section lordosis.
The rationale for treatment of vascular compression is thus reducing lordosis by flexing the hips. This immediately reduces pain and discomfort. Such body postures cannot be held for longer periods. But at least for an acute situation this provides some relief.
In order to achieve longer lasting effects the muscles around the spine should be strengthened. Their inherent tension reduces the anterior and posterior curvatures of the vertebral column and thus reduce the lordosis. Any type of physical exercises which strengthen the truncal and the gluteal muscles are helpful.
In this paper some exercises are explained which may help in such a situation.
Here you’ll find some more detailed explanations for physical exercises.
If physical therapy is insufficient to reduce symptoms to a bearable amount, then medical treatment and surgery should be contemplated.
Stents, the coiling of congested veins and the removal of painful organs are often recommended. This can be a fatal mistake.
Any treatment requires a thorough functional colour Doppler sonographic diagnostics of all possibly involved compression syndromes. It is a difference if there are veins, arteries or intestines involved. Moreover, it is crucial, which combination of compressions is present in an individual. The compression syndromes influence each other and this must be taken into account by the proper treatment.