Kaleidoscope of instructive cases
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2023 08 08

Posture dependent left flank / thoracic / lumbar pain – a new compression syndrome I recently detected

2023 07 07

Genital and sexual symptoms of vascular compression syndromes – patient with ulcer of labia minora

2023 07 05

Abdominal pain due to liver compression in slipping rib syndrome in an EDS patient

2023 06 15

Gradually increasing, unbearable pain in the left flank only when standing or sitting – first description of a new compression syndrome

2023 06 08

Unbearable abdominal pain only while standing – easily diagnosed with PixelFlux

2023 03 11

Debilitating neurologic disease successfully treated by decompression of the left renal and left common iliac vein in a young woman with massive ataxia due to venous congestion of the spinal cord via a tronc réno-rachidièn rendering her wheel-chair bound

2022 01 04

Massive hematuria never in the morning, but always in the evening – only PixelFlux knows the answer


Enigma resolved: Voimiting, headaches, nausea and abdominal pain only disappear while flexing the hip

Genital pain on sitting – sometimes pudendal neuralgia – here long undetected subacute Bartholinitis along with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and and multiple compression syndromes – diagnosis by PixelFlux

Unbearable breast pain while sitting

Swollen bluish feet nausea unbearable epigastric and breast pain breathlessness

Multiple severe compression syndromes and post-operative vomiting and pain  (added 2021 11 26)


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