Checklist vascular compression syndromes

The symptoms listed below are typically found in patients with abdominal vascular compression syndromes. Albeit each symptom may have a variety of causes, it might be helpful to explain their relationship to vascular compressions. Click on the linked symptom to get a more detailed explanation.

In these, frequently chronic and severe symptoms, a functional, quantitative color duplex sonography applying the PixelFlux-technique should be considered to detect or rule out vascular compression syndromes:

Abdomen, Vegetative symptoms , Genitals , Pelvis, Thorax, Head, Back, Legs,



Chronic pain, especially in the upper abdomen, below the sternum

Flank pain – especially on the left side

Pain, increasing after a meal

Inability to eat enough

Problems eating solid food

Sensation of food stuck inside the intestinal tract

Vomiting, belching, bilious vomiting

Changing symptoms when changing body position or posture

Irritable bowel symptoms: constipation alternating with diarrhea

Weakness of gastric and intestinal peristalsis

Enlarged stomach, sometimes extending below the belly button

Persistent nausea, especially when provoked by food intake

Inappetence (loss of appetite / early satiety despite inadequate intake of food )

Severe, unintentional weight loss

Hemorrhoids / intestinal bleeding (if unexplained after colonoscopy)

Severe gastro-esophageal reflux, if no improvement after gastroscopy and adequate treatment of the common causes occurs

Massive abdominal distension after a meal, bloating


Right-sided back pain after eating

pain in the right mid-abdomen after a meal 

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Vegetative symptoms




Sudden, unexpected episodes of diarrhea

Blood pressure fluctuations

Fainting spells


Sweats, especially after compressing the upper abdomen

Disturbed intestinal peristalsis


Nausea, belching

Weight loss

Daytime urgency


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Pain during or after sexual intercourse – dyspareunia

swelling of the labia or sensation of swelling

enlarged, varicose veins around or at the external genitals

unpleasant, frequent, odd,  unmotivated sexual arousal

tingling, burning, numb sensations at the external genitals (often including the deep vagina)

Pain at the clitoris (in male glans penis correspondingly)

erectile dysfunction

protruding veins at the labia and inner upper thigh

severe / painful menstruation

massive menstrual blood losses

non-menstrual vaginal bleeding (sometimes even after hysterectomy)

bleeding after sexual intercourse (always see a gynaecologist to rule out cervical cancer!)

varicocele (enlarged veins around the testicles inside the scrotum)

increasing genital discomfort while sitting or standing for a certain time


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Urinary symptoms

feeling of being unable to empty the bladder completely

need to squeeze the urine out: at first affected women bend forward during urination, then they press their bladder with their hands and finally utinary retention occurs and self-catheterization becomes necessary

Recurrent painful, burning micturation  – after exclusion of an infection. Often a bacterial infection is suspected due to the combination of pain, urgency, hematuria and proteinuria but leucocytes and bacteria cannot be found,  antibiotics fail

Micro – or macrohematuria – otherwise unexplained


after only slight pressure on the lower abdomen

radiating into the genitals

in the perineal region

during bowel movements

when utinating

Unbearable pain below the navel, often right to the midline

Improvement of pain when crouching, curling up , when flexing the hips, when raising the legs while sitting or laying supine

Increased pain when standing, walking or during mental/emotional stress

Pain in the region of the appendix after exclusion of more common causes

Endometriosis pain that does not respond to treatment

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Thoracic pain: behind the sternum, in the region of the heart

Difficulties with breathing : inability to inhale deeply

Asthma, which does not respond to asthma therapy

Unexplained attacks of respiratory distress, which might have been classified to be asthma attacks

Sudden palpitations when the patient changes body position or after a meal

Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS)

Blocked inspiration

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Preliminary note: severe and progressive symptoms should always be presented to a neurologist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist and radiologist

Chronic headache in chronic abdominal pain

Obstructed nasal inspiration in the morning, which disappears after getting up

Nosebleeds of unknown cause


Neck pain, pain that spreads from the neck over the entire skull

Dizziness of unknown cause

Unexplainable convulsions

Instability of the head requiring support by ortheses or the hands

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Back pain, especially left sided


Severe lordosis

Pulsating back pain

Pain above the iliac crest

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Legs and Arms

Weakness and paralysis of the legs – here, of course, primarily  neurological and radiological diagnostics are mandatory

Swelling of the legs or feet – left-sided in the begining, later also on the right side

Varices, eft-sided in the begining, later also on the right side


Tingling, numbness – primarily neurological diagnostic mandatory


       Restless legs

Muscle twitching in legas kater on in the arms

Thoracic inlet and outlet syndrome with arm , shoulder and hand pain, swelling, discoloration, often dependent on the position of the arms

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