My diagnostic profile

I offer diagnostics and treatment for diseases of all patients from newborns to adults with a focus on functional ultrasound diagnostics for self-paying patients and privately insured patients.

Moreover, we do highly sophisticated color Doppler sonographic examinations of all organs and vessels. We use the award-winnig PixelFlux-software for measurement of perfusion to  go into detail and deliver an individualized treatment plan for your specific complaints.

We are specialized in vascular compression syndromes, inflammation diagnostics and fetal perfusion measurement.

We guide patients from abroad to develop a plan from syptoms via diagnostic considerations to treatment in complicated cases.

You can download an excerpt of my diagnostic program here:

Excerpt from my diagnostic spectrum

More specific details of my way to find elusive reasons for your symptoms are explained here.

Here is an overview of applied techniques :


1. The functional and quantitative color Doppler measurement of renal perfusion with the PixelFlux-technique,

2. Flow volume measurements of pelvic venous return,

3. Standardized tissue perfusion quantification of uterus, vagina and urethra,

4. Bilateral comparison of gluteal venous drainage in sciatica,

5. Celiac trunk respiratory flow velocity changes,

6. Direct observation of duodenal food passage

7. Quantification of orthostatic renal and

8. Aortic flow volume drop,

9. Carotid color Doppler flow volume measurements

10. Femoral venous flow volume measurements

11. Repetition of all measurements in various relevant body postures


In individual cases with respect to clinical symptoms or upon request


12. Volume flow measurements in the superior mesenteric artery and vein evaluating retroperitoneal-mesenteric collaterals

13. Volume flow measurements of reno-spinal collaterals

14. Volume flow measurements of thoracic and supradiaphragmatic collaterals

15. Measurements of liver congestion

16. Pressure measurements of the splenic recirculation

17. Search for chronic and acute inflammatory bowel diseases

18. PixelFlux quantification of inflammatory abdominal pathologies including Crohn disease and other IBD

19. Vascular diagnostics of tinnitus

20. Transcranial cerebral ultrasound

21. Dynamic and postural intracranial pressure change measurements by means of color Doppler ultrasound

22. Echocardiography

22. Urinary and gallbladder function test

23. PixelFlux evaluation of external genital congestion in vulvodynia and persistent sexual arousal syndrome and pudendal neuropathy

24. Evaluation of exceptionally rare and individual compressions as popliteal arterial and venous, femoral arterial and venous, splenic venous, gastric, lumbar arterial , hepatic venous, internal iliac, caval..

25. Quantification of azygos and hemiazygos flow volumes in suspected epidural congestion

26. Quantification of vascular tumor and malformation flow intensities and volumes with the PixelFlux-technique

27. Vascular differential diagnostic of erectile dysfunction and varicocele

28. Evaluation of vascular aneurysms and dilatation

29. Quantification of renal artery stenosis and differential diagnostic of arterial hypertension

30. Differential diagnostic of POTS and gastroparesis

31. Quantification and follow up of diabetic micro- and macroangiopathy

32. Retinal artery Doppler

33. Flow volume quantification of dialysis shunts

34. Evaluation of TOS (thoracic outlet and inlet syndromes)

35. Evaluation of thyroid and lymph node diseases

36. Local inflammation measurements with the PixelFlux-technique

37. Fetal volume flow measurements

38. Quantification of tumor perfusion

39. All kinds of pediatric sonography including echocardiography and cerebral Doppler ultrasound

40. Evaluation of joint disorders including differential diagnostic of degenerative and inflammatory arthropathies

41. Evaluation of ventriculoperitoneal shunts

42. beyond ultrasound: Bornavirus diagnostic and treatment

43. ask for more (….pleura and lung ultrasound, esophagus, muscles, tendons, skin, breast, cartilage, spinal cord, diaphragmatic motility, un. racl

ohus, fractures, intra- and extracranial arteries. nerves.. )

44. 4D volume flow of selected veins and arteries
















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