Bornavirusliteratur zum nichtkommerziellen Gebrauch

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1995 - Immunopathogenic role of T-cell subsets in Borna disease virus-induced progressive encephalitis - Planz, Bilzer, Stitz - J Virol scholbach Ibrahim borna_2 scholbach billaud borna_2 scholbach JOrdan borna_2 scholbach Planz borna_2 scholbach Iwata borna_2 scholbach gonzales-dunia borna entry to cells_2 2002 - Varied persistent life cycles of Borna disease virus in a human oligodendroglioma cell line - Ibrahim et al. - J Virol 2000 - Borna disease virus persistence causes inhibition of glutamate uptake by feline primary cortical astrocytes In Process Citation - 2000 - Synaptic pathology in Borna disease virus persistent infection. - Gonzalez-Dunia et al. - J Virol 1999 - Inhibition of Borna disease virus replication by ribavirin. - Jordan et al. - Journal of virology 1999 - Pathogenesis of borna disease virus granulocyte fractions of psychiatric patients harbor infectious virus in the absence of antiv 1999 - Fine structure and morphogenesis of Borna disease virus. - Kohno et al. - Journal of virology 1998 - Detection and Sequence Analysis of Borna Disease Virus p24 RNA from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Mood Diso 1998 - Borna Disease Virus-Induced Neurological Disorder in Mice Infection of Neonates Results in Immunopathology Borna Disease Virus-I 1998 - Mechanism of Borna Disease Virus Entry into Cells - Gonzalez-dunia, Cubitt, De - J. Virol 1999 - Effect of immune priming on Borna disease - Lewis et al. - J. Virol 2001 - Immunological and PCR analyses for Borna disease virus in psychiatric patients and blood donors in Japan - Fukuda et al. - Journa 2003 - Neuropharmacological sequelae of persistent CNS viral infections Lessons from Borna Disease Virus - Solbrig, Koob - Pharmacology 2008 - Infection of the enteric nervous system by Borna disease virus (BDV) upregulates expression of Calbindin D-28k - Pfannkuche et(2) 2008 - Borna Disease Virus infection in young children - Scholbach, Bode - Apmis borna463039a Borna disease virus (BDV)-induced model of autism 2001 - Borna disease virus and human disease - Carbone - Clinical Microbiology Reviews 2005 - Borna disease virus and the evidence for human pathogenicity A systematic review - Chalmers, Thomas, Salmon - QJM - Monthly Journ 2002 - Bornavirus and the brain - de la Torre - Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002 - Borna disease virus (BDV)-induced model of autism Application to vaccine safety test design - Carbone, Rubin, Pletnikov - Molecul Exploring the cerebellum with a new tool - neonatal Borna disease virus BDV infection of the rat´s brain Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity (Gonzales-Dunia) Unknown - Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity (Gonzales-Dunia) S. 3.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity (Gonzales-Dunia) S. 3.pdf - Unknown - Unknown(2) Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity 2005 - Genome trimming a unique strategy for replication control employed by Borna disease virus. - Schneider, Schwemmle, Staeheli - Pro 2001 - Borna disease virus-specific circulating immune complexes, antigenemia, and free antibodies - The key marker triplet determining 2005 - Genetic clustering of Borna disease virus natural animal isolates, laboratory and vaccine strains strongly reflects their regiona 2005 - Borna disease virus and the evidence for human pathogenicity a systematic review. - Chalmers, Thomas, Salmon - QJM monthly journ 2006 - Failure to detect Borna disease virus antigen and RNA in human blood - Wolff et al. - Journal of Clinical Virology 2006 - Re Absence of Borna virus in human blood - Wolff, Burger, Kurth - Journal of Clinical Virology Unknown - Borna Bode Lancet 1994 Elisa PMNC.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Detection of Borna disease virus genome in normal human brain tissue. - Haga et al. - 1997 2003 - Exploring the cerebellum with a new tool neonatal Borna disease virus (BDV) infection of the rat's brain. - Pletnikov et al. - Ce 2003 - Neuropharmacological sequelae of persistent CNS viral infections Lessons from Borna Disease Virus - Solbrig, Koob - Pharmacolo(2) Unknown - Gonzales-Dunia - Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - Rott DEtection obf Bornavirus antibodies in Patients with psychiatric disorders.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - Rubin Borna Virus hippocampus defect spatial learning memory deficits.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - POstnatal weight gain Borna Viruis Infection neurobehavioral consequences neonatal rats 2003 Dietz.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - Borna disease - virus-induced neurobehavioral disease pathogenesis.pdf - Unknown - Unknown 1994 - Sequence conservation in field and experimental isolates of Borna disease virus - Schneider et al. - J. Virol 1997 - Borna Disease Virus Infection in Animals and Humans - Richt et al. - Emerging Infectious Diseases 2005 - Borna Disease Virus (BDV) - Ornaviridae - Unknown 2010 - Virology Bornavirus enters the genome - Feschotte - Nature 2010 - Unexpected inheritance Multiple integrations of ancient bornavirus and ebolavirusmarburgvirus sequences in vertebrate Genomes - B Molecular and cellular biology of Borna disease virus infection 2002 - Molecular biology of Borna disease virus and persistence - de la Torre - Front Biosci Borna Disease Virus Infection , a Human Mental-Health Risk - Bode, Ludwig - 2003 Amantadine reduces mania in borna disease virus-infected non-psychotic bipolar patients - Ohlmeler et al. - 2008 2008 - Amantadine reduces mania in borna disease virus-infected non-psychotic bipolar patients - Ohlmeler et al. - Pharmacopsychiatry Borna disease virus-specific circulating immune complexes, antigenemia, and free antibodies--the key marker triplet determining infection and prevailing in severe mood disorders 2001 - Borna disease virus-specific circulating immune complexes, antigenemia, and free antibodies--the key marker triplet determining i 1999 - Activated Borna disease virus in affective disorders. - Ferszt et al. - Pharmacopsychiatry Unknown - Persistent Neonatal Borna Disease Virus (BDV).pdf - Unknown - Unknown 2001 - Rat model of autism spectrum disorders. Genetic background effects on Borna disease virus-induced developmental brain damage - Pl 2012 - Borna Disease Virus Infects Human Neural Progenitor Cells and Impairs Neurogenesis - Brnic et al. - Journal of Virology Bornavirus and the brain. - de la Torre - 2002 2002 - Bornavirus and the brain. - de la Torre - The Journal of infectious diseases Detection of Borna disease virus RNA from peripheral blood cells in schizophrenic patients and mental health workers 1999 - Orofacial dyskinesias and dystonia in rats infected with Borna disease virus a model for tardive dyskinetic syndromes - Solbrig, 2005 - Brain potential amplitude varies as a function of Borna disease virus-specific immune complexes in obsessive–compulsive disorder 2003 - Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system activity in depression and infection with Borna disease virus and Chlamydia pneumonia 2002 - Borna disease virus (BDV)-induced model of autism application to vaccine safety test design. - Carbone, Rubin, Pletnikov - Molecu 2000 - Borna again, starting from the beginning - Carbone, Pletnikov - Mol Psychiatry Borna again, starting from the beginning. - Carbone, Pletnikov - 2000 Animal models of CNS viral disease Examples from borna disease virus models - Solbrig - 2010 Häufige Fragen und Antworten zur Bornavirus-Infektion beim Menschen - Ludwig - 2010 2009 - Broad Tissue and Cell Tropism of Avian Bornavirus in Parrots with Proventricular Dilatation Disease - Rinder et al. - Journal of 2010 - Avian Bornavirus Associated with Fatal Disease in Psittacine Birds - Staeheli, Rinder, Kaspers - Journal of Virology High seroprevalence of Borna virus infection in schizophrenic patients, family members and mental health workers in Taiwan. - Chen et al 2014 - Avian Bornavirus in Free-Ranging - Birds et al. - Unknown 2014 - Detection of anti-avian bornavirus antibodies in parrots in the Czech Republic and Slovakia - Vondráčková et al. - Acta Veterinar 2013 - Serological markers of Bornavirus infection found in horses in Iceland. - Björnsdóttir et al. - Acta veterinaria Scandinavica Borna Disease Virus Phosphoprotein Impairs the Developmental Program Controlling Neurogenesis and Reduces Human GABAergic Neurogenesis - Absence of evidence for bornavirus infection in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder 2015 - Neuropathologische Langzeitveränderungen im Gehirn von Lewis-Ratten nach neonataler Aerosol-Infektion mit dem Borna-Disease-Virus 2008 - Amantadine reduces mania in borna disease virus-infected non-psychotic bipolar patients - Ohlmeler et al. - Pharmacopsychiatry(2) Borna disease virus – Fact and fantasy - Lipkin, Briese, Hornig - 2011 Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity - Gonzalez-dunia et al. - 2005 2003 - Trafficking of viral genomic RNA into and out of the nucleus Influenza, Thogoto and Borna disease viruses - Cros, Palese - Virus 1996 - Sequence characterization of human Borna disease virus. - de la Torre et al. - Virus research Increase of virus yields and releases of Borna disease virus from persistently infected cells - Pauli, Ludwig - 1985 Novel insights into the regulation of the viral polymerase complex of neurotropic Borna disease virus - Schneider - 2005 2014 - Borna disease virus infection in cats - Wensman et al. - Veterinary Journal Borna disease in an adult alpaca stallion (Lama pacos) - Jacobsen et al. - 2010 Borna disease virus implications for human neuropsychiatric illness - Lipkin, Schneemann, Solbrig - 1995 Borna disease virus-induced neurobehavioral disease pathogenesis Kathryn M Carbone †‡ , Steven A Rubin , Yoshii Nishino - Pletnikov - Borna disease virus and neuropsychiatric disease--a reappraisal. - Lipkin, Hornig, Briese - 2001 Borna disease in naturally infected cattle - Caplazi et al. - 1994 In vivo treatment with anti-alpha4 integrin suppresses clinical and pathological evidence of Borna disease virus infection. - Rubin, Yed Characterization of the acute immune response in the retina of Borna disease virus infected Lewis rats - Stahl et al. - 2003 Changes in Borna disease virus genome with adaptation to host - Okayama et al. - 2009 Ribavirin inhibits Borna disease virus proliferation and fatal neurological diseases in neonatally infected gerbils - Lee et al. - 2008 The diagnosis of proventricular dilatation disease Use of a Western blot assay to detect antibodies against avian Borna virus - Villanue Molecular and cellular biology of Borna disease virus infection - Tomonaga, Kobayashi, Ikuta - 2002 1998 - A variant form of feline Borna disease. - Berg, Berg - Journal of comparative pathology 2014 - Evolution of mammalian and avian bornaviruses - He, An, Teng - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Induction of protection against Borna disease by inoculation with high-dose-attenuated Borna disease virus - Oldach et al. - 1995 Borna disease virus-specific antigens. II. The soluble antigen is a protein complex - Bause-Niedrig et al. - 1992 Borna disease virus--does it infect humans and cause psychiatric disorders - Lieb, Staeheli - 2001 Borna disease virus and psychiatry - Taieb et al. - 2001 Detection of Borna disease virus in a pregnant mare and her fetus - Hagiwara et al. - 2000 Evolution of the immune response in the central nervous system following infection with Borna disease virus. - Hatalski, Hickey, Lipkin Detection of Borna disease virus genome in normal human brain tissue - Haga et al. - 1997 1997 - Borna disease virus antibodies and the deficit syndrome of schizophrenia - Waltrip et al. - Schizophr.Res Experimental and natural borna disease virus infections presence of viral RNA in cells of the peripheral blood - Vahlenkamp, Enbergs, Mü Virological Methods Detection of Borna disease virus RNA in naturally infected animals by a nested polymerase chain reaction - Diirrwald 1995 - Investigations of cerebrospinal fluid in Borna disease virus seropositive psychiatric patients - Bechter et al. - European Psychi Borna disease virus infection in psychiatric patients are we on the right track - Schwemmle - 2001 High prevalence of Borna disease virus in domestic cats with neurological disorders in Japan - Nakamura, Watanabe, Kamitani - 1999 2008 - Infection of the enteric nervous system by Borna disease virus (BDV) upregulates expression of Calbindin D-28k - Pfannkuche et al 1998 - Cocaine sensitivity in Borna disease virus-infected rats - 1998 - Solbrig, Koob, Lipkin.pdf - Solbrig, Koob, Lipkin - Unknown 2006 - Detection of Borna disease virus p24 RNA in peripheral blood cells from Brazilian mood and psychotic disorder patients - Miranda Neonatal Borna disease virus infection (BDV)-induced damage to the cerebellum is associated with sensorimotor deficits in developing Lew Abnormal social behaviors in young and adult rats neonatally infected with Borna disease virus - Lancaster et al. - 2007 Neurotransmitter abnormalities in Borna disease - Lipkin et al. - 1988 Borna disease virus induces acute fatal neurological disorders in neonatal gerbils without virus- and immune-mediated cell destructions Detection of anti-Borna Disease Virus (BDV) antibodies from patients with schizophrenia and mood disorders in Japan - Terayama et al. - Learning deficiencies in borna disease virus-infected but clinically healthy rats - Dittrich et al. - 1989 Persistent neonatal Borna disease virus (BDV) infection of the brain causes chronic emotional abnormalities in adult rats - Pletnikov et Developmental brain injury associated with abnormal play behavior in neonatally Borna disease virus-infected Lewis rats A model of autis 1996 - Varied prevalence of Borna disease virus infection in Arabic, thoroughbred and their cross-bred horses in Iran - Bahmani et al. - 1995 - Borna disease virus and schizophrenia - Waltrip et al. - Psychiatry Research Borna virus infection in children 1995 - Immunopathogenic role of T-cell subsets in Borna disease virus-induced progressive encephalitis - Planz, Bilzer, Stitz - J Virol scholbach Ibrahim borna_2 scholbach billaud borna_2 scholbach JOrdan borna_2 scholbach Planz borna_2 scholbach Iwata borna_2 scholbach gonzales-dunia borna entry to cells_2 2002 - Varied persistent life cycles of Borna disease virus in a human oligodendroglioma cell line - Ibrahim et al. - J Virol 2000 - Borna disease virus persistence causes inhibition of glutamate uptake by feline primary cortical astrocytes In Process Citation - 2000 - Synaptic pathology in Borna disease virus persistent infection. - Gonzalez-Dunia et al. - J Virol 1999 - Inhibition of Borna disease virus replication by ribavirin. - Jordan et al. - Journal of virology 1999 - Pathogenesis of borna disease virus granulocyte fractions of psychiatric patients harbor infectious virus in the absence of antiv 1999 - Fine structure and morphogenesis of Borna disease virus. - Kohno et al. - Journal of virology 1998 - Detection and Sequence Analysis of Borna Disease Virus p24 RNA from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Mood Diso 1998 - Borna Disease Virus-Induced Neurological Disorder in Mice Infection of Neonates Results in Immunopathology Borna Disease Virus-I 1998 - Mechanism of Borna Disease Virus Entry into Cells - Gonzalez-dunia, Cubitt, De - J. Virol 1999 - Effect of immune priming on Borna disease - Lewis et al. - J. Virol 2001 - Immunological and PCR analyses for Borna disease virus in psychiatric patients and blood donors in Japan - Fukuda et al. - Journa 2003 - Neuropharmacological sequelae of persistent CNS viral infections Lessons from Borna Disease Virus - Solbrig, Koob - Pharmacology 2008 - Infection of the enteric nervous system by Borna disease virus (BDV) upregulates expression of Calbindin D-28k - Pfannkuche et(2) 2008 - Borna Disease Virus infection in young children - Scholbach, Bode - Apmis borna463039a Borna disease virus (BDV)-induced model of autism 2001 - Borna disease virus and human disease - Carbone - Clinical Microbiology Reviews 2005 - Borna disease virus and the evidence for human pathogenicity A systematic review - Chalmers, Thomas, Salmon - QJM - Monthly Journ 2002 - Bornavirus and the brain - de la Torre - Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002 - Borna disease virus (BDV)-induced model of autism Application to vaccine safety test design - Carbone, Rubin, Pletnikov - Molecul Exploring the cerebellum with a new tool - neonatal Borna disease virus BDV infection of the rat´s brain Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity (Gonzales-Dunia) Unknown - Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity (Gonzales-Dunia) S. 3.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity (Gonzales-Dunia) S. 3.pdf - Unknown - Unknown(2) Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity 2005 - Genome trimming a unique strategy for replication control employed by Borna disease virus. - Schneider, Schwemmle, Staeheli - Pro 2001 - Borna disease virus-specific circulating immune complexes, antigenemia, and free antibodies - The key marker triplet determining 2005 - Genetic clustering of Borna disease virus natural animal isolates, laboratory and vaccine strains strongly reflects their regiona 2005 - Borna disease virus and the evidence for human pathogenicity a systematic review. - Chalmers, Thomas, Salmon - QJM monthly journ 2006 - Failure to detect Borna disease virus antigen and RNA in human blood - Wolff et al. - Journal of Clinical Virology 2006 - Re Absence of Borna virus in human blood - Wolff, Burger, Kurth - Journal of Clinical Virology Unknown - Borna Bode Lancet 1994 Elisa PMNC.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Detection of Borna disease virus genome in normal human brain tissue. - Haga et al. - 1997 2003 - Exploring the cerebellum with a new tool neonatal Borna disease virus (BDV) infection of the rat's brain. - Pletnikov et al. - Ce 2003 - Neuropharmacological sequelae of persistent CNS viral infections Lessons from Borna Disease Virus - Solbrig, Koob - Pharmacolo(2) Unknown - Gonzales-Dunia - Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - Rott DEtection obf Bornavirus antibodies in Patients with psychiatric disorders.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - Rubin Borna Virus hippocampus defect spatial learning memory deficits.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - POstnatal weight gain Borna Viruis Infection neurobehavioral consequences neonatal rats 2003 Dietz.pdf - Unknown - Unknown Unknown - Borna disease - virus-induced neurobehavioral disease pathogenesis.pdf - Unknown - Unknown 1994 - Sequence conservation in field and experimental isolates of Borna disease virus - Schneider et al. - J. Virol 1997 - Borna Disease Virus Infection in Animals and Humans - Richt et al. - Emerging Infectious Diseases 2005 - Borna Disease Virus (BDV) - Ornaviridae - Unknown 2010 - Virology Bornavirus enters the genome - Feschotte - Nature 2010 - Unexpected inheritance Multiple integrations of ancient bornavirus and ebolavirusmarburgvirus sequences in vertebrate Genomes - B Molecular and cellular biology of Borna disease virus infection 2002 - Molecular biology of Borna disease virus and persistence - de la Torre - Front Biosci Borna Disease Virus Infection , a Human Mental-Health Risk - Bode, Ludwig - 2003 Amantadine reduces mania in borna disease virus-infected non-psychotic bipolar patients - Ohlmeler et al. - 2008 2008 - Amantadine reduces mania in borna disease virus-infected non-psychotic bipolar patients - Ohlmeler et al. - Pharmacopsychiatry Borna disease virus-specific circulating immune complexes, antigenemia, and free antibodies--the key marker triplet determining infection and prevailing in severe mood disorders 2001 - Borna disease virus-specific circulating immune complexes, antigenemia, and free antibodies--the key marker triplet determining i 1999 - Activated Borna disease virus in affective disorders. - Ferszt et al. - Pharmacopsychiatry Unknown - Persistent Neonatal Borna Disease Virus (BDV).pdf - Unknown - Unknown 2001 - Rat model of autism spectrum disorders. Genetic background effects on Borna disease virus-induced developmental brain damage - Pl 2012 - Borna Disease Virus Infects Human Neural Progenitor Cells and Impairs Neurogenesis - Brnic et al. - Journal of Virology Bornavirus and the brain. - de la Torre - 2002 2002 - Bornavirus and the brain. - de la Torre - The Journal of infectious diseases Detection of Borna disease virus RNA from peripheral blood cells in schizophrenic patients and mental health workers 1999 - Orofacial dyskinesias and dystonia in rats infected with Borna disease virus a model for tardive dyskinetic syndromes - Solbrig, 2005 - Brain potential amplitude varies as a function of Borna disease virus-specific immune complexes in obsessive–compulsive disorder 2003 - Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system activity in depression and infection with Borna disease virus and Chlamydia pneumonia 2002 - Borna disease virus (BDV)-induced model of autism application to vaccine safety test design. - Carbone, Rubin, Pletnikov - Molecu 2000 - Borna again, starting from the beginning - Carbone, Pletnikov - Mol Psychiatry Borna again, starting from the beginning. - Carbone, Pletnikov - 2000 Animal models of CNS viral disease Examples from borna disease virus models - Solbrig - 2010 Häufige Fragen und Antworten zur Bornavirus-Infektion beim Menschen - Ludwig - 2010 2009 - Broad Tissue and Cell Tropism of Avian Bornavirus in Parrots with Proventricular Dilatation Disease - Rinder et al. - Journal of 2010 - Avian Bornavirus Associated with Fatal Disease in Psittacine Birds - Staeheli, Rinder, Kaspers - Journal of Virology High seroprevalence of Borna virus infection in schizophrenic patients, family members and mental health workers in Taiwan. - Chen et al 2014 - Avian Bornavirus in Free-Ranging - Birds et al. - Unknown 2014 - Detection of anti-avian bornavirus antibodies in parrots in the Czech Republic and Slovakia - Vondráčková et al. - Acta Veterinar 2013 - Serological markers of Bornavirus infection found in horses in Iceland. - Björnsdóttir et al. - Acta veterinaria Scandinavica Borna Disease Virus Phosphoprotein Impairs the Developmental Program Controlling Neurogenesis and Reduces Human GABAergic Neurogenesis - Absence of evidence for bornavirus infection in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder 2015 - Neuropathologische Langzeitveränderungen im Gehirn von Lewis-Ratten nach neonataler Aerosol-Infektion mit dem Borna-Disease-Virus 2008 - Amantadine reduces mania in borna disease virus-infected non-psychotic bipolar patients - Ohlmeler et al. - Pharmacopsychiatry(2) Borna disease virus – Fact and fantasy - Lipkin, Briese, Hornig - 2011 Borna disease virus interference with neuronal plasticity - Gonzalez-dunia et al. - 2005 2003 - Trafficking of viral genomic RNA into and out of the nucleus Influenza, Thogoto and Borna disease viruses - Cros, Palese - Virus 1996 - Sequence characterization of human Borna disease virus. - de la Torre et al. - Virus research Increase of virus yields and releases of Borna disease virus from persistently infected cells - Pauli, Ludwig - 1985 Novel insights into the regulation of the viral polymerase complex of neurotropic Borna disease virus - Schneider - 2005 2014 - Borna disease virus infection in cats - Wensman et al. - Veterinary Journal Borna disease in an adult alpaca stallion (Lama pacos) - Jacobsen et al. - 2010 Borna disease virus implications for human neuropsychiatric illness - Lipkin, Schneemann, Solbrig - 1995 Borna disease virus-induced neurobehavioral disease pathogenesis Kathryn M Carbone †‡ , Steven A Rubin , Yoshii Nishino - Pletnikov - Borna disease virus and neuropsychiatric disease--a reappraisal. - Lipkin, Hornig, Briese - 2001 Borna disease in naturally infected cattle - Caplazi et al. - 1994 In vivo treatment with anti-alpha4 integrin suppresses clinical and pathological evidence of Borna disease virus infection. - Rubin, Yed Characterization of the acute immune response in the retina of Borna disease virus infected Lewis rats - Stahl et al. - 2003 Changes in Borna disease virus genome with adaptation to host - Okayama et al. - 2009 Ribavirin inhibits Borna disease virus proliferation and fatal neurological diseases in neonatally infected gerbils - Lee et al. - 2008 The diagnosis of proventricular dilatation disease Use of a Western blot assay to detect antibodies against avian Borna virus - Villanue Molecular and cellular biology of Borna disease virus infection - Tomonaga, Kobayashi, Ikuta - 2002 1998 - A variant form of feline Borna disease. - Berg, Berg - Journal of comparative pathology 2014 - Evolution of mammalian and avian bornaviruses - He, An, Teng - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Induction of protection against Borna disease by inoculation with high-dose-attenuated Borna disease virus - Oldach et al. - 1995 Borna disease virus-specific antigens. II. The soluble antigen is a protein complex - Bause-Niedrig et al. - 1992 Borna disease virus--does it infect humans and cause psychiatric disorders - Lieb, Staeheli - 2001 Borna disease virus and psychiatry - Taieb et al. - 2001 Detection of Borna disease virus in a pregnant mare and her fetus - Hagiwara et al. - 2000 Evolution of the immune response in the central nervous system following infection with Borna disease virus. - Hatalski, Hickey, Lipkin Detection of Borna disease virus genome in normal human brain tissue - Haga et al. - 1997 1997 - Borna disease virus antibodies and the deficit syndrome of schizophrenia - Waltrip et al. - Schizophr.Res Experimental and natural borna disease virus infections presence of viral RNA in cells of the peripheral blood - Vahlenkamp, Enbergs, Mü Virological Methods Detection of Borna disease virus RNA in naturally infected animals by a nested polymerase chain reaction - Diirrwald 1995 - Investigations of cerebrospinal fluid in Borna disease virus seropositive psychiatric patients - Bechter et al. - European Psychi Borna disease virus infection in psychiatric patients are we on the right track - Schwemmle - 2001 High prevalence of Borna disease virus in domestic cats with neurological disorders in Japan - Nakamura, Watanabe, Kamitani - 1999 2008 - Infection of the enteric nervous system by Borna disease virus (BDV) upregulates expression of Calbindin D-28k - Pfannkuche et al 1998 - Cocaine sensitivity in Borna disease virus-infected rats - 1998 - Solbrig, Koob, Lipkin.pdf - Solbrig, Koob, Lipkin - Unknown 2006 - Detection of Borna disease virus p24 RNA in peripheral blood cells from Brazilian mood and psychotic disorder patients - Miranda Neonatal Borna disease virus infection (BDV)-induced damage to the cerebellum is associated with sensorimotor deficits in developing Lew Abnormal social behaviors in young and adult rats neonatally infected with Borna disease virus - Lancaster et al. - 2007 Neurotransmitter abnormalities in Borna disease - Lipkin et al. - 1988 Borna disease virus induces acute fatal neurological disorders in neonatal gerbils without virus- and immune-mediated cell destructions Detection of anti-Borna Disease Virus (BDV) antibodies from patients with schizophrenia and mood disorders in Japan - Terayama et al. - Learning deficiencies in borna disease virus-infected but clinically healthy rats - Dittrich et al. - 1989 Persistent neonatal Borna disease virus (BDV) infection of the brain causes chronic emotional abnormalities in adult rats - Pletnikov et Developmental brain injury associated with abnormal play behavior in neonatally Borna disease virus-infected Lewis rats A model of autis 1996 - Varied prevalence of Borna disease virus infection in Arabic, thoroughbred and their cross-bred horses in Iran - Bahmani et al. - 1995 - Borna disease virus and schizophrenia - Waltrip et al. - Psychiatry Research Borna virus infection in children [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Borna disease virus and mental health”

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