Ultrasound focused entirely on all of your symptoms

I believe that best information of the patients about their disease is the base for a good relationship between the patient and the doctor. That’s why I always try to involve you into the diagnostics and therapy by giving you a picture and an imagination of your disease to help you to understand your malady. I often experienced that it leads to a big relief for both the patients and their families, when patients understand the causes of their suffering.

The details of a functional colour Doppler ultrasound examination are outlined here.

The explanations of some diseases given on my website are supposed to serve this idea. While reading these explanations, please always keep in mind that they are written in a popular lingo , i.e. they are simplified. Medical reality is often much more complex. These texts cannot replace and are not meant to replace the consultation of a medical doctor. If you or your child suffer from certain symptoms, only a doctor can evaluate which kind of diagnostic investigation and therapy are adequate.

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