
Welcome to my Practice for Specialized Ultrasound Diagnostics for children and adults!


I happily annonce the world’s first sonographic 4D-blood flow volume measurement technique

Our paper

Surgical treatment of abdominal compression syndromes: The significance of hypermobility-related disorders

was among the most downloaded ones in the American Journal of Medical Genetics

Severe neurological disease with convulsions and ataxia due to venous congestion of the spinal cord – successful surgical treatment possible after dedicated functional color Doppler blood flow measurements  

Hope and great joy for patients from all over the globe – researchers from the Mayo Clinic confirm my concept of the Midline Congestion Syndrome

Book an appointment here – if you do not find an appropriate date please write an email with name, date of birth , address, weight, height – I’ll do my best to fit you in!

To do this, click on the drop-down button and select for the special vascular diagnostics with ultrasound
” Special Functional Color Doppler Exam”
For a telemedical consultation click here



Please fill in your symptom list here

and upload your findings, zipped-imaging files (MRI, CT whatsoever) and other relevant files  to my server here.

Please entitle the folder you are going to create as follows: your family name given name date of birth

phone: 0049 (0) 341 2481 4039



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