May I help you with the award-winning PixelFlux ultrasound examination?

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Medical progress is taking great steps forward. Ultrasound is a highly versatile examination mode. Beyond simply showing the shape and size and structure of an organ we took it further ahead.

We developed the world’s most sophisticated sonographic blood flow measurement technique – PixelFlux.

If you are suffering from so far unexplained and severe symptoms, may be I can help you with PixelFlux. It has proven its interest in many fields of medicine: gastroenterology, gynecology, nephrology, oncology, neurology, angiology, to mention a few.

For more details simply fill in PixelFlux in the search bar on the top of the page.

If you are still searching, let me help you. fill in the form and I will check if PixelFlux may be beneficial for you too.

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