New stuff to read and discuss
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2023 03 30
Nuestro artículo
Tratamiento quirúrgico de los síndromes de compresión abdominal: La importancia de los trastornos relacionados con la hipermovilidad
fue uno de los más descargados del American Journal of Medical Genetics
Estoy profundamente agradecido a mi coautor principal, el profesor Wilhelm Sandmann, y a mi coautor Konstantinos Verginis, así como a los cientos de lectores diarios de mi sitio web.
2023 03 22
El primer artículo que compara PixelFlux y las mediciones convencionales de volumen de flujo Doppler de la vena porta muestra resultados prometedores con
Sensibilidad aparentemente mayor de PixelFlux (izquierda) para los cambios postprandiales del flujo volumétrico.
2023 03 11
Enfermedad neurológica debilitante tratada con éxito mediante descompresión de la vena renal izquierda y de la vena ilíaca común izquierda en una mujer joven con ataxia masiva debida a congestión venosa de la médula espinal mediante un tronc réno-rachidièn.
Neurological consequences of the spinal congestion in midline congestion syndrome
Overview of the tronc réno-rachidièn – a widely unknown connection of the left renal vein with the spinal canal of utmost importance
2023 02 16
Nuestra contribución al American Venous Forum 22-25.02.2023 San Antonio, Texas /USA : “Nutcracker and May-Thurner syndrome: Decompression by extra venous tube grafting and significance of hypermobility related disorders” Sandmann /Scholbach/Jacobi
2022 09 23
Postprandiale Schmerzen im rechten Oberbauch aufgrund eines von mir neu entdeckten Kompressionssyndroms der rechten Nierenvene
die rechtsseitige Rückenschmerzen und Schmerzen im rechten Ober- oder Mittelbauch verursachen
Zwerchfellkompression der Lebervenen – ein neues Kompressionssyndrom
verursacht intermittierende Schwellungen der Leber, Völlegefühl und Schmerzen im rechten Oberbauch
2022 09 11
Entdeckung eines neuen Kompressionssyndroms: Bilaterale Kompression der Vena iliaca interna zwischen dem Psoas-Muskel und der Arteria iliaca interna bei einem Patienten mit chronischen Penisschmerzen
Liste der Genitalsymptome bei Kompressionssyndromen in “Checkliste” eingefügt
2022 05 09
PixelFlux is recommended in diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel syndrome
chart from the above mentioned paper; inset by Thomas Scholbach
The authors refer to a very positive review of PixelFlux in the World Journal of Radiology 2020
” Interestingly, in the haemodialysis cohort, blood flow measurements were significantly improved after dialysis, suggesting that this measure may have future utility as a biomarker of both disease severity and treatment response[50]. Carroll AS, Simon NG. Current and future applications of ultrasound imaging in peripheral nerve disorders. World J Radiol 2020; 12(6): 101-129 [PMID: 32742576 DOI: 10.4329/wjr.v12.i6.101]”
2022 05 05
Project “International scholarship for quantitative functional color Doppler ultrasound training”
2022 04 10
Example of failed renal autotransplantation in left renal vein compression – the reasons why
2022 04 02
Addition to Wilkie syndrome page with example videos of patients with apparent duodenal compression that can be confidently classified as normal findings by functional sonography
2022 02 19
I now offer my papers for download for personal non-commercial use
Papers authored by others: by clicking this button I declare the only non-commercial use of this download
2022 02 15 (On occasion of the 88th birthday – 15.02.1934 – of my mother
Dr. med. Lilli Scholbach – ophthalmologist til her 75th birthday)
PixelFlux discriminates diabetic neuropathy in patients with chronic renal failure
T Issar, S Walker, R Arnold, AM Poynten, ZH Endre… – Muscle & Nerve
2022 01 20 ( On occasion of the 39th birthday of my son Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jakob Scholbach, developer of PixelFlux-software)
Under false flag – the so-called nutcracker syndrome Journal: Vascular Surgery
2022 01 04
Massive hematuria never in the morning but always in the evening – only PixelFlux knows the answer
2022 01 01 ( for the birthday of my great-grandfather Traugott Scholbach 01.01.1866 – 31.05.1942)
I added a search line on the top of all webpages – hoping to provide you more focused information from the dispersed and steadily growing content 🙂
2021 12 29
PixelFlux demonstrates rapid post-dialysis improvement of peripheral nerve perfusion ( BORIRE et al. Prince of Wales Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) :
“… we have shown that peripheral nerve hypervascularity is demonstrable in ESKD patients and rapidly improves following a single session of dialysis. Increased INBF is more likely to be seen in nerves of patients with evidence of axonal loss and moderate to severe neuropathy, suggesting that it may be a potential marker of neuropathy severity.
PixelFlux has significantly higher intra- and interobserver reliability than traditional methods to evaluate intraneural blood flow in carpal tunnel syndrome ( BORIRE et al. Prince of Wales Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
PixelFlux perfusion measurements in peripheral diabetic nerves correlate significantly with the severity of diabetic neuropathy ( BORIRE et al. Prince of Wales Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
2021 12 28
Our contributions at the EDS ECHO SUMMIT – Scientific Meeting on EDS, HSD, & Comorbidities October 2020
Hyper-elastic fibrous tissue disorder is a risk factor for development of multiple retroperitoneal and pelvic compression syndromes and for recurrences after surgery by W. Sandmann , K. Verginis, S. Jacobi, and T. Scholbach
COMPRESSION SYNDROMES (RPCS) by W. Sandmann , K. Verginis, S. Jacobi, and T. Scholbach
PixelFlux makes the antihypertensive treatment effect on renal perfusion measurable
PixelFlux directly demonstrating influence of thyroid hormone level on renal blood flow
2021 12 14
New paper published underscoring the usefulness of PixelFlux measurements in malignant diseases of the pancreas
Dynamic Doppler Ultrasound Assessment of Tissue Perfusion Is a Better Tool than a Single Vessel Doppler Examination in Differentiating Malignant and Inflammatory Pancreatic Lesions
2021 11 26
Multiple severe compression syndromes and post-operative vomiting and pain – the necessity of a postop PixelFlux exam of all relevant organs
2021 11 07
We published (on the 124. birthday of my grandfather Max Scholbach :-)):
Surgical treatment of abdominal compression syndromes: The significance of hypermobility-related disorders
Papers authored by others: by clicking this button I declare the only non-commercial use of this download
2021 10 22
A left renal vein stent – reducing one compression – creating three new ones
2021 09 11
Bending of a straight vein compels its narrowing
English version : Lordosis /hollow back – cause of numerous abdominal compression syndromes.
Muscle cramps caused by a posture dependent pubic compression of the femoral artery
Update: Ehlers Danlos-syndrome the flashing redlight of vascular compressions
2021 08 20
I linked the audio version of my talk ” The Nutcracker syndrome is a misnomer ” to the following page
The Nutcracker Syndrome is a misnomer Euroson September 2018
An audio version of this talk can be found her
2021 08 18
Outline of my special examination technique for patients with connective tissue disorders -see last part of the English version of
Ehlers Danlos-syndrome the flashing redlight of vascular compressions
2021 07 16
Swollen bluish feet nausea unbearable epigastric and breast pain breathlessness
Unbearable breast pain while sitting
2021 06 14
Genitalschmerzen beim Sitzen – manchmal Pudendusneuralgie – hier lange unentdeckte subakute Bartholinitis bei hypermobiles Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrom und multiplen Kompressionssyndromen – Diagnose durch PixelFlux
2021 02 05