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Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in het English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Polski, Ελληνικά, Português, भारत, 日本語, 中文 en Русский.

Academic Qualification

  • Consultant for Pediatrics
  • Medical Doctor (Dr. med.) with the thesis Nachweis von Mediatoren zellvermittelter Immunreaktionen mit Hilfe eines optimierten, spektrophotometrisch ausgewerteten NBT-Tests
  • Habilitation (Dr. med. habil.) with the thesis Duplexsonografische Untersuchungen der Nieren gesunder Kinder und von Kindern mit hämolytisch-urämischem Syndrom
  • Venia legendi at the University of Leipzig
  • Professor at the Technical University Dresden
  • Head of international studies
  • More than 100 international scientific publications and book chapters
  • Inauguration of the PixelFlux-method (, which is the first Color Doppler Sonographic Tissue Perfusion Measurement worldwide, meaning refined diagnostics and treatment evaluation by disease staging according to organ and tissue perfusion


  • Until leaving DEGUM on 31.12.2023: Level-III-Instructor of the German Society of Medical Ultrasound (DEGUM)

Talks and presentations

Many talks and presentations at (amongst others)

  • World Congresses for Ultrasound (WFUMB) and Ultrasound in Obstetrics (ISUOG)
  • European Nephrological Congresses
  • German, European and International Ultrasound Congresses
  • Pediatric Congresses


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